Overview of North Village Baptist Church
Our History: North Village formally known as Alice Avenue Baptist Church can trace its history back to 1961 at the present location of 1010 E. Alice Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85020. Our mailing address is P. O. Box 26164, Phoenix AZ 85068. The church was started by a church plant from the Akron Baptist Temple in Akron, OH. The founding pastor was Charles Vaden. The church has been pastured by four different pastors over the years. The present Pastor is Phil McKeown. He has been serving at North Village since 1984.
Our Affiliation: North Village is simply a Baptist church. We are not linked to a convention, association or fellowship. We are not identified as “Independent” for two reasons. We are totally dependent upon the leadership and power of the Holy Spirit. We do not hold to many of the methodology differences of many “Independent” Baptist churches.
Our Presentation: North Village is an inner-city church, located in the Village of Sunnyslope, which is a part of the northern part of Phoenix. Sunnyslope is a community with many needs and we believe God has given us a responsibility to help serve those needs.
We are a multi-generational church with older, as well as, many younger families. We have only one worship service on Sunday, in which all of our church family worships together. Our worship is mostly contemporary with some blended aspects. Our pastor is a teaching pastor. He normally uses four different translations of the Bible for teaching. Pastor McKeown normally teaches from the New International Version, and on occasion uses the King James Version, New King James Version and the New American Standard Version. The church is not KJV only. Our worship involves an interactive blend of prayer, music and the teaching of God’s Word. Our goal is to be transformed into the image of Jesus in our spiritual walk and service to God.
Our Organization: North Village is an Elder led church. The elders are overseers to the work and for those who are members of the church. Deacons also service the various needs of the flock. If asked what style North Village is, the best answer would be a family. We encourage those of the church to minister to one another as a family ministers to one another.
Baptist Distinctives: We hold to Baptist distinctives which include salvation by grace through faith, Pre-Tribulation - Pre-Millennial, Plenary Verbal inspiration of the Scriptures, baptism by immersion, eternal security, etc. This list is not exhaustive. We do not consider ourselves to be “Protestant” in that the Baptist church never came out of Catholicism.
What We Do: We are a family church. We have Sunday School Classes for every age group in the family. During the school year, we have an exciting and active AWANA Children’s Bible Club ministry that meets on Sunday afternoons. Men and ladies study groups meet on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. These groups focus on studies to encourage men and women in their growth and service as followers of Jesus.
Sunday Schedule: Our Sunday School begins at 9:30 a.m. and runs until 10:20 a.m. We have a welcome / greeting time from 10:20 - 10:45 in the worship center with refreshments and conversation. Our morning worship runs from 10:45 until 12:00 p.m. From September until May we host Small Groups within the adult ministries on Sunday evening.
Crossing Missions: North Village has a strong emphasis on missions. We presently support 25 individual missionary families around the world. We host a missionary conference the second week of February in which we present missionaries and challenge our church regarding obedience to the great commission.
Under the banner of Crossing Missions, we send teams around the world to minister to specific needs, especially those of children. Since 2004 we have sent teams to Kenya, India, Hungary, Poland, Zambia, Wales, Guatemala and Mexico. We encourage all of our church family to go on a short term mission trip as part of their spiritual growth.
Everyone is welcome at North Village. We sincerely desire to be a tool that God can use in the life of every person God brings our way. Our greatest desire is that everyone who visits our church would sense the presence of God in this place.
We realize that this brief overview will not answer all of your questions, but at least it is a start. If you have more questions, do not hesitate to contact us at nvbc1010@aol.com.
Thank you for taking the time to read this page. We do hope, if God so leads, that you would come and visit.
God Bless