Pastor Phil McKeown is retiring after being our Pastor for 41 years.  He has been a great leader of the flock at North Village Baptist Church.  Here is the YouTube of his message on January 12, 2025, which were "memories."

Series:  He's Got This!

1-5-25 "The Transfiguration - A High Mountain" - Christians have been known to say, “That was a spiritual mountain top experience.”  For Peter, James and John that was absolutely true.  God has always associated His presence with mountains.  Last week we studied Mt Sinai, the mountain of God.  Jesus brought His great message called the Sermon on the Mount.  Jesus paid our sin debt on Mt. Calvary.  The approaching sacrifice on God’s Lamb set the provision of the Mount of Transfiguration.  Alexander Bruce in his classic work, The Training of the Twelve, stated, “If you desire what follows, remember what went before.”  As quickly as it seemed to come it was over.  Luke says ,“When they were fully awake.”  That is a great statement.  Those who believe they totally understand the sacrifice and blessed atonement are surely not fully awake to behold its glory.  A person cannot be fully awake without the direct ministry within to the one listening.  Then Jesus says, “Tell the vision to no man until the Son of Man is risen again from the dead.” This was Pastor Phil's last message as our Pastor of North Village Baptist Church, as he retires.  We will truly miss him! 

12-29-24 "The Mountain of Holiness - Mount Sinai" - Your relationship with the LORD is always a journey from your first encounter to the continuing eternal relationship.  Because of your finite humanness, it is difficult for you to see His hand in your past that has brought you to where you are today.  The LORD’S ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts.  We have been on such a journey.  You are not here by accident or coincidence.  God has appointed you past, present, and future to experience His holiness.  Today we will observe the similarities of our journey with the journey of Moses.

12-15-24 "The Mountain of Sanctuary - The Mount of Olives" - In August of 2022 I had the privilege of visiting Israel and as part of that trip stand on the Mount of Olives.  It was a surreal event knowing the part that place played in the life and death of Jesus Christ.  The Mount of Olives is more just an elevated place in the Moriah Mountain range on which Jerusalem sits.  As you stand there and look toward Jerusalem you see the Old City of Jerusalem below and the Doom of the Rock which sits on the place where the new temple will sit.  Let me describe more of what you would see.

12-8-24 "Mt. Gerizim - The Mountain of Worship - Have you ever asked, “What is God after?  What does He want from me?”  On Mt. Horeb God wanted Moses to know His plan for him.  On Mt. Calvary God wanted Abraham to know He could be trusted to keep His promises.  On the high mountain of the temptation, Jesus wanted us to know that His love for you was greater than all the kingdoms of the world.  Now, God wants us to know He has called us to fulfill our purpose in life and that is to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

12-1-24 "The Mountain of Submission" - So far, we have visited two mountains.  Horeb was the mountain of  “Holy Ground,” where God found Moses on the backside of desert and invited him into one of the great events in the lives of God’s chosen people.  We visited two more mountains when God told Abraham to sacrifice his son, his only son, the son he loved on Mount Calvary.  That mountain became our mountain of sacrifice.  Today we will visit a mountain without a name but a mountain regardless.  The mountain was a site for the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness.  Ultimately, this mountain becomes our mountain of obedience.

11-24-24 "The Mountain of Sacrifice - Mt. Moriah/Mt. Calvary - We are spending time with the challenge of Caleb's desire when he said, "I want this mountain."  Last week we focused on Mr. Horeb and Moses' experience with the burning bush and God's Holy Ground.  Holy Ground almost always leads to sacrifice.  That was true for Moses, and it will also be true for you.  Most Christians commit to their faith only to the point of making them uncomfortable and miserable.  Mt. Moriah and Mt. Calvary will guide you to everything God is offering you.


11-10-24 - "Mt. Horeb - The Mountain of Holy Ground" - In all my years preaching here, I have never changed a series in mid-stream, but this will be a first.  The first message series was, “We’ve Got This!”  The new name is “He’s Got This!”  We can be tempted to believe that what we are experiencing comes at our discernment and action.  The reality is that we live and move at the discretion of God.  Like Moses, we are in a God place.  Moses learned some things about God on this mountain – Moses also learned some things about himself on God’s Holy Ground.

 11-3-24 "Caleb - The Man Who Desired a Mountain" - We have a presidential election coming in two days.  Each adult American citizen will have a vote for numerous candidates and others seeking office.  We will all be glad when the election is over.  As children of God, we know that God will put those in office that fulfill His purposes.  When it comes to voting, some question whether their vote matters or not because of the vast number of those voting.  Your vote matters to you and your vote matters to God.  God watches you and notes what you are trusting.  The same is true for Joshua and Caleb as Israel stands on the threshold of God’s land promised to Abraham and the Hebrew children.  Like Joshua and Caleb, you make a difference.

10-27-24 "In Transit" - You are on a journey.  We are on a journey together as a church.  Nothing happens in your life by chance, therefore, you are on the journey by God’s sovereign design.  You have been appointed by God to be at this transition of two churches into one church.  This transition will bring change.  The question is “What do you see?”  What will be your part in this opportunity God has prepared for you and for us?

Series:  The Inner Man

10-20-24 "Above All Else - Guard Your Heart" - This is the last of a 4 part series on "The Inner Man."  In this short series we have looked at three aspects of the inner man.  First, we found what our inner man or woman consists of.  We found that a new creation in Christ has been given a new heart which is alive to God and from God.  This new heart, we found, is amazing.  We also saw what the old things were that are taking away in becoming a new creation.  Then, we found what things God has done to make us a new creation.  Today we look back at the heart of the matter and look at what Solomon is “above all else - guard your heart.”

9-22-24 "The New Has Come" - Last week we examined the old that has gone when you are transformed by becoming a new creation.  You had a dead spiritual heart unable to respond to God.  You were a sinner by nature.  You were condemned because you had not believed on the Lord Jesus Christ.  You lived according to the world’s standard which was according to the prince of this world, the devil.  You could not save yourself.  You  had no desire to and no ability to save yourself.  This week we will see what God did at your salvation.

9-15-24 "The Old Has Gone, The New Has Come" -  Like the Hebrew children under the leadership of Moses, we are arriving new.  We have been comfortable being who and where we are and are now looking at a possible change.  Change always involves leaving something or ending something and embarking on something new.  The Scriptures make this thought when Paul spoke concerning the new birth.  He said, “Therefore, if  anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.”  We will remember the old that God has saved us from by His Son, Jesus Christ.

9-8-24 "The Heart of the Matter" - The Scriptures mention the heart  almost 1,000 times and uses it to represent the entirety of a person’s inner self.  The heart is the source of a person’s thoughts, passions and decisions, and it governs all aspects of a person’s life.  Solomon, who didn’t always take his own advice, wrote in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else guard your heart, for it is the well-spring of life.”  In this four-part series we will explore the heart and its impact on your life.

Series:  "What Shall be the Signs of His Coming - Living in the Last Days"

9-1-24 "The New Jerusalem - The Holy City" - We are living in anticipation.  We are to live expectantly of those things to happen that God has promised.  We have based our knowledge of the last things upon God’s revealed Word.  In our journey we have moved through the rapture, the tribulation, the second coming to secure victory over evil, the judgment of the rebellious and the revealing of the new heavens and new earth.  Now John turns our attention upward once again to see the New Jerusalem coming down upon the new earth.  This city of God will be our eternal dwelling place.  Let’s take a look around.

8-25-24 "Heaven" (Part 2) - Today we still consider some Biblical truths given in the New Testament concerning heaven.  Last week we remembered what Paul told the believers in Corinth when he said, “But as it is written: Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”  This means we can do our best to understand what God has prepared in His house, but in our finiteness we will never be able to understand its full grandeur.

8-18-24 "Heaven" (Part 1) - There is a street in Phoenix called Utopia.  That is a word that was coined over five hundred years ago by Thomas More, a Roman Catholic philosopher, as the title of his fictional book about a perfect society that existed on a remote island in the uncharted Atlantic.  More invented the word utopia by combining the Greek term, ou, meaning “no,” with topos, meaning “place” (as in topological).  In other words, Utopia is no place, a nonexistent society that lives only in our dreams.  People long for a more perfect world.  We hear it in the dream of the poets.  We read it in literature.  We see it in the paintings of the famous artists whose works fill the walls of the great museums of the world.  Whether we know it or not, we’re homesick for the Garden of Eden.  We are homesick for home.

8-11-24 "Your New Glorified Body" While the Bible doesn’t describe in detail the glorified bodies we will receive in heaven, we know that they will be like that of Jesus’ resurrected body.  Our human bodies are described in 1 Corinthians 15:42-53 as perishable, dishonorable, and weak, all due to sin.  Our glorified bodies will be imperishable, honorable, and powerful.  Our new bodies will no longer be “natural” bodies, subject to decay and death, we will live in “victory over sin and death,” won by our Savior, Jesus Christ. 

8-4-24 - "The Great White Throne Judgment" - Much has happened in Revelation 19 and as we enter Revelation 20 there is a drawing to the close of the Millennial Kingdom and the coming of the end.  The cartoon shows a raged character holding a sign which read, “The End is Coming,” in Revelation 20, the end has come.  When the end has come, whether it be one’s death or the end of time, it will be too late.

7-28-24 - "The Millennial Kingdom" (Part 2) -The Millennial Kingdom is needed to create the conditions necessary for the end of history, the final judgment, and the beginning of the eternal state.  The kingdom is also necessary to reemphasize the extent of human depravity and the power of Christ’s atonement.  Everyone who enters the Millennial Kingdom will be followers of Jesus Christ but after a thousand years, Satan will lead those who were born, still under the power of the fallen flesh in a rebellion against Christ.  Do not ever underestimate the depravity of sin.  Death was defeated at the resurrection of Jesus, and sin will be defeated and destroyed at the final judgment of the Great White Throne.

7-14-24 "The Millennial Kingdom" (Part 1) - When I first came to Alice Avenue Baptist Church, I was still trying to get to know the people here, so I planned a trip to San Diego and invited those who wanted to go to join us for three days.  We scheduled a hotel near Mission Bay and the time while we were there.  We all looked forward to the time together.  We had planned something in common that we would share.  The same is true for the Millennial Kingdom.  If you know Jesus Christ, you will be living during this time under the rule of Jesus Christ.  In these two messages, I want to tell you about what living in this kingdom will be like. You will be there.

7-7-24 "The False Prophet" - The term “Beast” is given to describe the Anti-Christ in Revelation 13.  The Anti-Christ is also described as a “Beast” in Daniel 7.  In this chapter of Revelation 13:11-18 we are introduced to another “Beast,” the False Prophet.

6-30-24 "The Anti-Christ - Evil Incarnate" (Part 2) - In Revelation 12, John tells us there is war in heaven and Satan and his angels were cast to the earth.  In Revelation 12:12 states, “…Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and of the sea!  For the devil is come down to you, having great wrath because he knows he has but a short time.”   Ultimately, Satan takes possession of one called the “Anti-Christ.”

6-9-24 "The Anti-Christ - Evil Incarnate" - I like to break down the teaching of Scripture like different kinds of food.  When you listen to some teaching is like being served “fast food.”  It is familiar and simple to understand, and you can move quickly through it.  Other Scriptures, such as prophecy is not fast food.  It is more like steak.  You need to take your time and partake a bite at a time and then let what you have taken in digest.  We will be slowing down and taking bite size portions during these tribulation   messages.  We will serve up the meat.

6-2-24 "Why Study the Tribulation?" - my message is “Why Study the Tribulation?”   I have never seen the need of Christians spending much time studying the Book of Revelation.  Those who belong to Christ, His church, will be caught away at the rapture and will not be present during this time of God’s judgment on the earth.  However, I have come to see some value in an understanding of this time, as it can prepare God’s people for this time. I fully hold to the pre-tribulational, premillennial return of Jesus Christ.  One great truth given to those who belong to Christ is found in         1 Thessalonians 5:9 where Paul writes, “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

5-26-24 "Satan, the Enemy of God" (Part 3) - This is Memorial Day weekend.  It is good to remember.  On this day we remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country.  I read a thought from a veteran who responded to   something that happens often when she is in uniform.  She said people will often come up to her and say, “Thank you for your service.”  She went on to say that a veteran shared that when he hears that statement, he always wondered what his response should be.  Ultimately, he came to respond with, “You were worth it.”  As we remember what Jesus did for us, we are thankful for His sacrifice.  By His sacrifice, He makes us worth it.

5-19-24 "Satan, the Enemy of God" (Part 2) - John refers to this event as “a great sign” appearing in heaven.  This sign involves three participants as the woman in great travail giving birth, the child failing to be delivered and a great, fiery red dragon waiting to destroy the child once He is delivered.  This sign includes three of the most powerful events of Christ in human history:  The incarnation of Christ, the ascension of Christ and the promise of His second coming when He will rule the nations with a rod of iron.  The Old Testament characterizes Israel as a woman in the throes of childbirth.  Israel is certainly the nation, the target of Satan’s deadly malice.  The unhappy image of a pregnant woman failing to deliver her child pictures Israel’s failure to deliver God’s light of hope to the nations.  Yet even after centuries of failure, the Jews had the honor of delivering Christ to the world.  John writes in Revelation 12:5 “She bore a male Child who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.  And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.”

5-5-24 "Satan, the Enemy of God" (Part 1) - The last days are characterized by extremely evil and tumultuous days.  We are living in those days.  If we examine these days and their  characteristics, we cannot understand unless we know what or who is behind those things.  Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12, “…For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.”  We are going to take two messages on this topic.  It is Satan who is wreaking havoc in these last days. 

4-28-24 "Shock and Awe!  The Second Coming of Jesus Christ" - Last week we concluded our   worship with the video song, “Come Jesus Come.”  That song is speaking of the longing we have for Jesus to come at the rapture and capture us away from all this mess.  Seven years after the rapture, Jesus will come again to close the tribulation by doing battle against the armies of the anti-Christ and his false prophet.  When Jesus comes with His heavenly hosts, He will make short work of those who oppose Him.  When Jesus comes at His Second Advent, He will, as the song says, “right every wrong.”

4-21-24 "The Marriage and the Supper of the Lamb" - At our last small group meeting we were attempting to determine our next meeting.  As a date was given, everyone grabbed their phones to check their calendar to see if they were available.  This thought came to me when I observed this action.  Dead people don’t need a calendar or a watch for that matter.  However, when a Christian dies, he still has several events to look forward to in eternity.  One of those events is a wedding.  New Testament Christians will be the bride at the marriage of the Bridegroom and they will also participate in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

4-14-24 "Rejecting God's Invitation" - Jesus spoke divine truth by way of parables.  Not everyone got the truth being spoken – not even the disciples.  Therefore, Jesus would explain the parable to them.  The parable of the Great Supper is multifaceted and contains four divine truths.  On Sunday we will simply look at why people reject the invitation of God to spend eternity with Him.

3-17-24 "The Judgment Seat of Christ" - One of the greatest joys for the follower of Jesus is that whether we live or die we have the hope of glory.  We know that when this life is over, life only changes to eternal life.  This life is just the beginning.  As we look at the Judgment Seat of Christ, we know that we have already received a great reward by just being present at this event.  The reward of being received into Jesus’ presence is the great beginning of reward.  Praise God! 

3-10-24 "The Rapture" - Oh, the coming of Jesus Christ to gather His church has been talked about and preached for over 2000 years.  In our most recent times the coming of Jesus, the Rapture, has been anticipated due to the signs in our world.  We still do not know when, but we do know with certainty this event will happen.  God’s Word is true and the Apostle Paul revealed the mystery of His coming.  We will examine the event, the Rapture.

3-3-24 "Closer Than It's Ever Been" - You are living in expectant days.  This entire series has been to strengthen your focus, not on possibilities, but on the reality of the rapture of those who belong to Jesus when He returns in the sky.  The incarnation was prophesied and came to pass.  The resurrection was foretold and came to pass.  The promise of Jesus’ return was given and will happen to the astonishment of the world and the joy of the believers.  We have good reason to believe some very amazing things.

2-11-24 "The Bottom Line" - To understand God’s plan of salvation is an awe-inspiring endeavor.  From Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21 God presents His divine plan in great detail.  There are no Cliff Notes or a simple way to understand. The only way to understand that plan requires the Holy Spirit making you alive and giving you faith and understanding.  When asked, “What’s the bottom line?” from someone about having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ what would you say?  That’s our message this Sunday. 

2-4-24 "The Last Days Spiritual Temperature" - Because of the world events and local turmoil, there is much interest in the last days, in  anticipation of the return of Jesus Christ.  When we post a message from this series the views are much higher than regular messages on YouTube.  People ask the question, “Do you believe that we are living in the last days?”  Of course, that answer is always, “Yes.”  We have been living in the last days ever since Jesus went to heaven and promised to return.  In this message I will highlight two of the most prevalent signs of Christ’s return.

1-28-24 "The Saved and the Lost in the Last Days" - There is some confusion among Christians about those who are saved and those who are lost during the last days.  In this message we will see what the Scriptures tell us about this important topic.  We will study how the Scriptures tells us about last days salvation.  

1-21-24 "Who Are the Redeemed?" - There are multiple truths that need to be considered when looking at the last days.  A biblical foundation is important when considering God’s call and salvation of the redeemed or those who are His people.  God’s involvement in the last days is focused on those whom He has redeemed through the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ.  Over the next couple weeks, we will keep our attention on thos

1-14-24 "The Mystery and the Promise of the Rapture" - The Word of God is a Living Book.  No human intelligence could present a systematic theology that the Scriptures present.  The presentation of progressive revelation through the Old Testament to the New Testament and from writers who are affirmed in later texts.  The Word of God is living because it is as viable today as it was in the days it was written.

1-7-24 "A Great Day!" - Our world in in chaos and turmoil.  I don’t need to tell you of wars and rumors of wars,   protests and crime.  We have just begun a new year with hope that it will be a better year, but we are finding it looks like the year we just finished.  We are hoping for a new day – A Great Day!  Such a day is coming. 

11-29-23 "What Are We to do in the Last Days?" - Did you ever imagine you would be living at the rapture of the church, and you would be caught up?   What do you think it will be like?  What can you expect?  How should you prepare.

11-5-23 - We will be involved with the International Day of Prayer and will be praying for the churches and Christians who are being persecuted.  I will then speak on part 1 of  "The Olivet Discourse."  Where do you go when you want to know the truth of God’s Word?  That is a relevant   question in these last times.  Who can you trust to tell you the truth and know that you are not being used as a pawn for the speaker.  One thing many people do not realize is that when you are born again Jesus gives you the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is the Author of Scripture and He also gives you understanding of His words.  Beware of who you listen to.  There are voices vying for your attention.  These voices include the noise of the world, the seduction of the enemy, the voices of the teachers you turn to and the voice of the Holy Spirit.  There is also one huge voice that constantly speaks to you.  Your inner voice demands your attention.  Here is a great quote: “Don’t believe everything you think.”

10-29-23 "The Abrahamic Covenant Blessing the Nations" The New Covenant flows from the Abrahamic covenant and becomes the Christian’s divine heritage as well through Abraham.  In Galatians 3:7-9  Paul writes, “Know then that it is those of faith who are the sons of Abraham.  And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, ‘In you shall all the nations be blessed.’  So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith.”  The blessing of the New Covenant flows through Abraham and his seed.

10-22-23  "Laying God's Foundation" - Because of recent events in the Middle East, people’s curiosity is awakened toward the “last days.”  Television and radio preachers are talking about these events and often speculating as to what they mean.  Jesus warned the disciples in Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you.”  The events cause people to want to know what these present events mean.  Without an understanding of God’s redemptive plan, a person cannot know what the days reveal.  In this series we will first set the foundation and then move to God’s redemptive plan.  The second coming has in it this essential truth – that there is one divine, far-off event, to which the whole of creation moves, and that event is not dissolution but the universal and eternal rule of God.  This Sunday we will cover God-the Creator, God-the Provision, God-the Covenant Maker, God-the Promise Keeper and God, the Provider.  Come join us on an incredible journey of God’s plan and purpose.

Annual Missions Conference:  We had our annual Missions Conference on Sunday, February 18 and Monday, February 19. We had Steve Evers, Director of In Touch Mission International, Piotr Zaremba, European Director of In Touch Mission International and Gary and Ruthjane Willow from Victorious Christian Living, Inc.   Gary and Ruthjane Willow shared book 1 of the S.A.L.T series “I Am Not God.”

Sunday, February 18:  Here is the YouTube link to the 10:45 a.m. message by Piotr Zaremba encouraging us through God's Word.

Sunday, February 18 (P.M.):  Here is the YouTube link to the Sunday evening service with Piotr Zaremba and Steve Evers sharing how S.A.L.T. has been taught worldwide.

Monday, February 19:  Here is the YouTube of Monday, February 19, as our Missions Conference continued with Gary and Ruthjane Willow sharing their ministry using S.A.L.T.  Then Piotr Zaremba spoke ministering to us and encouraging our hearts from God's Word closing out our conference. 


Easter Messages

3-24-24 (Palm Sunday) - This Sunday is Palm Sunday.  We will have a time for you to share praises in the 10:45 a.m. service.  I will bring a short message “An Encouragement of Joy” from Philippians 3:1, 4:4 and Galatians 5:22.  In his song, Don Henley of the Eagles sings the lines from The Heart of the Matter, “Ah these times are so uncertain, there’s a yearning undefined, and people filled with rage, we all need a little tenderness.  How can love survive in such a graceless age.”  The song writers are the poets of our age.  A graceless age is the day in which we live.  What is the Christian’s answer for such a time?  The answer is learning to live with joy.

3-31-24 (Resurrection Sunday) - "Lost and Found" -  When you come to church on Resurrection Sunday, you expect to hear a message about the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.  That truth is perhaps the most relevant truths in Scripture and in history.  There is so much more than just understanding or even believing that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.  Today we will look at three great truths and one conclusion about the resurrection and its power.


Special Day Messages:

5-12-24 (Mother's Day) - "What Mothers Need Most" - Mothers are truly unique.  In God’s greatest wisdom, He determined that every child born into the world have a mother “on scene.”  This day is set aside to honor and encourage mothers.  The message often instructs mothers as to what their children need them to be and how to be the best mother possible.  Today we are going to reverse that focus and look at what mothers need most from those around them.  The purpose of this message is to encourage our mothers in their great mission.

6-16-24 (Father's Day) - "Man Up!" - Being God's Man - Today we honor the men of our church and especially the fathers.  As this special day comes around this month, we’ll have the attention of men in our church in ways we might not have for the rest of the year.  We have great ladies in our church that are so important.  The mission of our church, however, depends upon our men.  Our ability to engage the mission of God in your community and in our families is tied to awakening the men in our church. What are the characteristics of a faithful man of God, the kind we need to build strong families and impact our community?  Today we will take a look at an often overlooked passage from Philippians 2. As Paul writes about Timothy and Epaphroditus, he tells us the characteristics found in a man of God.

12-22-24 (Christmas Sunday) -  "The Gifts Jesus Gives" - Another Christmas is upon us.  As followers of Jesus. we want to keep our focus on the coming of our Savior while the world distracts us with its celebration of its holiday.  No where did Jesus ever ask His followers to remember His birth, but He did instruct that they remember His sacrifice for their salvation.  As part of that remembrance, we are called on to remember the gifts that Jesus gave to us.  That is our calling today, the gifts that Jesus gives.



Special Speakers:

2-25-24 Steve Evers, Director of In Touch Missions International - "What God Taught Me From Dealing with Edith."  This was a woman who he dealt with in Uganda who was possessed and how God led and used him in dealing with this lady.

4-7-24 Joe Eriquez, Heart for the City.   Joe's message was "Love and Acceptance."

6-16-24 Sean Myers, Pella Community Church "God's Big Grace" taken from Ephesians 2:1-10.

11-17-24 Sean Myers, Pella Community Church - "An Argument for Generational Formation Though Communion."