Crossing Missions began at North Village in 2004, when Pastor Phil McKeown went to Kenya, Africa and firsthand was able to see the effects of AIDS to children.  Crossing Missions is the short-term missionary outreach of North Village Baptist Church.  North Village is committed to impact community, cultures and the world for the Kingdom of God.   

The following year (2005) a team of six men (Pastor Phil McKeown, Tom Hill, Kenny Shadday, Greg Dozer, Steve Haig and Duane Oplinger) went back to Kenya to build a chicken house which would allow the Mayatima Project to become somewhat self-supporting to help with food and medicine for the orphans.  Approximately 80% of the orphans are HIV positive.  

In 2006, Kenny Shadday and Rick Sparks went back to Kenya to help build a school for the orphans of the Mayatima Project.

In 2006, a team of eight (Chad & Elisa Kritenbrink, Duane & Sandy Oplinger, Davitta Antonowitz, D.J. & Becky Mathews and Josh McIntyre) went to Poland.  A portion of the ministry included projects to help in feeding and clothing the homeless in Poznan.  Another part of the trip helped in the “refitting” center at Bread of Life.  This center is a converted home in the Polish countryside where people are given the message of salvation as well as help in breaking addictions.  They are also given an opportunity to make their lives productive.  The team also helped in making repairs to the church building.

In 2007, two teams were sent out.  The first team of seven (Chad & Elisa Kritenbrink, John Garcia, Debbie Mellberg, D.J. & Becky Mathews & Tiffany Mathews) went to Hungary and ran a week long baseball camp encouraging the kids to get involved in sports as well as the church there in Hungary.  The second week was running a Vacation Bible School.


2007 - The second team of eight (Tony Evangelisti, Steve & Nancy Haig, Esther Macklin, Jon Ostrus, Duane & Sandy Oplinger and Steve Evers) went to India to help with Shining Stars, a ministry to street children in Hyderabad and to the Haven of Hope Orphanage which provides for over 400 orphaned children.  The team also ministered in a Pastor’s training workshop at the New Life Compound in Peddipalli. 

In 2008 a team of six (Pastor Phil McKeown, Erin Hagen, Greg & Tamra Dozer and Kenny & Annette Shadday) went back to Kenya to work with a school that provides education for orphan children with AIDS.  There were three projects involved.  The first was a building project to give the children a safe area for play.  The game court was made from a concrete slab and also included posts for volleyball and basketball.  The children were able to use the court the second week of the trip.  THEY WERE VERY EXCITED!  Pastor Phil McKeown spent a week teaching Pastors using SALT materials from VCLI and doing doctrinal studies.  Our ladies worked with the children with crafts and games as well as ministering to the care-givers to the children.  The team also visited the homes of the orphan children to encourage the children and care-givers, who have a difficult time simply surviving.   

In 2009 a team of seven (Debbie Mellberg, Barb Hannah, Tom & Kathy Hill, Paul & Judy Clark and Pastor Phil McKeown) went to North Wales to work with a missionary couple who is pastoring a church that is located at the heart of where the Great Welsh Revival took place in 1904.  The churches were packed and thousands came to Christ during that revival, but things have changed in Wales and it is one of the least spiritual places in the world.  The people are pleasant, but have no spiritual appetite at all.  While in Wales, the team helped to do some repairs on the church and to run a Holiday Bible Club. The team then worked with Upney Baptist Church in North London during a children's Bible Club. 

In 2010, a team of five men (Kenny Shadday, Duane Oplinger, Tom Hill, Greg Dozer & Chad Kritenbrink) went back to Kenya to help build housing for the Mayatima Project .  


In 2011 two men (Josh McIntyre & Chad Kritenbrink) went to Poland. While in Poland they worked with a Gospel Joy Workshop, helping to spread God's Word through songs and Biblical messages contained in them. The Gospel Joy Workshops are an awesome chance to use the love of Black Gospel Music to minister to the Polish people. They also worked with the Bread of Life which runs a soup kitchen, clothing closet and New Life Center for homeless men. The New Life Center is a live-in rehabilitation facility designed to help homeless men reintegrate into society. They are taught everything from normal life skills and hygiene to job skills that help them secure jobs and become a productive part of society.

In 2012 a team of four men (Pastor Phil McKeown, Kenny Shadday, Tony Evangelisti and Duane Oplinger) to Mexico in October 2012 to build an Awana court for the Huichol Indians in the Sierra Madres mountain range near the city of Tepic, Nayarit.

In 2013 a team of six (Jon Ostrus, Taureta Shaffer, Duane & Sandy Oplinger and Kenny & Annette Shadday) went to Zambia.  The team spent 10 days in Zambia ministering to Excellence Christian Academy along side of Tim & Ashley Keller, ITMI missionaries in Kabwe.  Kenny & Jon helped to build restrooms for the girls and boys of the school, while Sandy, Annette & Taureta conducted a Vacation Bible School while approximately 70 children.  Duane taught a Crown Financial seminar to pastors from the area.  The team also ministered in a deaf house to children and adults.

In 2014 a team of seven (Pastor Phil McKeown, Eren Garcia, Debbie Mellberg, Dorothy Combs, Kathy Hill, Mike Unger and Christopher Hill) went to North Wales and conducted a week long Awana club to introduce the club to the Wales area.  

In 2015 a team of six (Duane & Sandy Oplinger, Kenny & Annette Shadday and Greg & Tamra Dozer) returned to Kenya to build a kitchen and dining area in the orphanage "Child of Promise." 

In 2016 a team of six (Kenny Shadday, Christopher Hill, Carrie Holtgrewe, Lori Lee, Barb Hannah & Mike Unger) went to Mexico to build an "Oansa" game court for the village of La Bendicion (The Blessing).

In 2017 Pastor Phil McKeown and Steve Evers, Director of ITMI, went to India to give 19 girls nightgowns and perform a pastor's conference for over 150 pastors and their wives.

In 2018 Steve Evers delivered money to Zambia to help with the Extension School of Excellence Christian Academy buy equipment for a playground for the kids.

In 2019 , we sent out 2 teams of 3 to two different locations.  The first team members were Kenny Shadday, Rick Sparks and Micah Sparks who left on June 27 for Nairobi, Kenya to participate in a celebration of the Children of Promise ministry and help build a pastor’s home.

2019 - The second team members were Pastor Phil McKeown, Josh McIntyre and Jenessa McIntyre.   They flew to Poznan, Poland where they ministered in a Family camp with Piotr Zaremba and his international church.

You can click on one of the following subpages to get more details.